What is CubePolls?

CubePolls is an interactive system being developed as part of the Media Inovation Lab (milab) at the Interdsciplinary Center, Herzliya, Israel.

We as residents of a city feel that we have no way to influence our surroundings.  The city council votes on many issues, from budget distribution to urban planning, but information about these issues is not brought to us, and our opinions do not reach city officials.

We want to take issues back to the public.

We want to take the information the city gathers on issues, and share it with the public in an accessible way.  Similarly, we want to gather the public's opinion on these issues as data in and of itself, and bring it to the city officials in an organized fashion.

CubePolls is a system that will take municipal issues and display them to residents in a location that is relevant to the issue.  This will cause discourse, raising awareness of municipal issues.

The system is a stand with a cube.

The stand will have a sign across the top stating the issue.

The cube has three faces, three with touch screens, and one with buttons.  The faces are named in the following way: Information, Public Opinion, Your Opinion, and Vote.

Information:  This face contains objective information received from the municipality about the issue.  The main way to access the information is through a short video, explaining the most important parts.  If the user wants more information, they can click on a button and receive textual data separated into basic categories.

Your Opinion:  If the user wants to voice their opinion, they can do so by recording themselves here.  A short recording of their opinion, that will appear on the Public Opinion face.

Public Opinion:  The videos of users who recorded their opinions appear on this face.  A user who wants to listen to others' opinions can choose to watch their opinions.

Vote:  This face contains two buttons, for and against.  When one is pressed, the voting state is shown on the side by green and red lights.

The municipality can, in real time, see the videos and the voting status.  In this way, information is always gained by both sides.